Supervision in MCT
We offer two types of supervision covering the needs of registered therapists and those in Masterclass training.
We offer supervision for therapists who have graduated from the MCTI masterclass and have received at least Level 1 certification. We also offer supervision for therapists undergoing MCTI Level 1 training who need to complete and submit logs in order to complete training.
How it works
You can select the supervisor of your choice. The supervisors are from a variety of nationalities, but they all speak english. However, you can choose a supervisor who is from your own country, just scroll down and choose the preferred one. You need to pay for the session in advance, which releases a receipt for you, and the supervisor will send you a link by e-mail to the supervision session room in advance of your session. It is very simple, just click on the link in the e-mail from the supervisor right before the appointment starts, log into your account, and you are on.